Sector: Transportation and Transit
25th Avenue Grade Separation
Client Name
Villages of Bellwood & Melrose Park, and West Cook Railroad Relocation & Redevelopment Authority
Services Provided
Feasibility Study
Phase I Project Development Report
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Construction Management
Globetrotters prepared a Phase I Feasibility Study and Project Report, performed Phase II design, and provided Phase III construction management services for the 25th Avenue / Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) crossing. This $35 million improvement is the 4th highest priority of 25 CREATE projects designed to improve railroad efficiency and capacity.
The study included a “Shoo-fly” option to temporarily re-route rail traffic during construction of a permanent rail bridge, construction of a roadway overpass carrying 25th Avenue over the UPRR, and construction of a tunnel using Sequential Excavation to carry the roadway under the UPRR, without stopping rail traffic. The roadway overpass carrying 25th Avenue over the UPRR was selected as the preferred alternate.
Globetrotters assisted the client in successfully submitting a Tiger IV Grant Funding Application, and participated in Public Meetings with Village officials and other stakeholders to clearly communicate the benefits of this project and address the community’s concerns.
Globetrotters provided design services for a four-span steel plate girder structure over four existing skewed rail lines, which included design of 1530 feet of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retention Walls on a tight approach with a 30 foot embankment.
In addition, Globetrotters provided construction management services for this project, which consisted of removal and replacement of sidewalk and pavement, building removal, temporary pavement, earth excavation, furnished excavation, PCC pavement, medians, sidewalk, storm sewer drainage systems, water mains and sanitary sewer systems, street lighting, pavement marking, signing, and landscaping.
Essential to the successful completion of this project was Globetrotters’ close coordination with the local municipalities, IDOT, WCRRRA, CREATE, Metra; and UPRR to ensure all residents and businesses had access to their properties and that the railroad was operational at all times.