Sector: Aviation
Runways 9L-27R and 10R-28L at O’Hare International Airport
Chicago, Illinois
Client Name
City of Chicago Department of Aviation
Services Provided
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Globetrotters provided civil, structural, and electrical engineering services as part of the team that designed Runway 9L-27R, Runway 10R-28L, and associated taxiways and navigational facilities at O’Hare International Airport. The runways were 7,500 feet long and 150 feet wide with navigational aids (NAVAIDS) and lighting systems to support CAT II/III instrument landing operations. Each runway is served by a full length parallel taxiway and a system of connector taxiways.
As part of the design that included equipment buildings, instrument antennas and access roads, the projects involved grading, stormwater drainage, pavement design, airfield lighting, signage and control and monitoring systems, and navigational and landing aids. Work also included underground utility coordination and the design of the electrical duct bank layout for the O’Hare North Airfield.
There was an emphasis on construction phasing and package to allow continued airport operations at O’Hare, one of the busiest airports in the world. Runway 9L-27R was awarded a Certificate of Recognition from the O’Hare Modernization Program for Sustainable Design.